

A schedule that returns the day before when it's parent schedule is due.

This is designed to be used with the schedules:broken's alternative property to move processing to the day before the holiday.

Property Summary

refinement Provide a refinement to this schedule.

Example Summary

Example 1 A schedule for the last day of the month, or the previous working day if the last day falls on a non working day.

Property Detail


Configured ByELEMENT

Provide a refinement to this schedule.


Example 1

A schedule for the last day of the month, or the previous working day if the last day falls on a non working day.

<schedules:broken xmlns:schedules="http://rgordon.co.uk/oddjob/schedules">
        <schedules:monthly onDay="LAST">
                    <schedules:time at="17:00"/>
                <schedules:weekly from="SATURDAY" to="SUNDAY"/>
                <value value="${holidays}"/>
                <schedules:time at="21:00"/>
Note that the refinement schedules for a different time when the day before is used. This reflects the situation where data is often available later before a weekend or holiday.

(c) Rob Gordon 2005 - 2017