

A job which executes its child jobs for each of the provided values. The child job can access the current value using the pseudo property 'current' to gain access to the current value. The pseudo property 'index' provides a 0 based number for the instance.

The return state of this job depends on the return state of the children (like sequential). Hard resetting this job will cause the children to be destroyed and recreated on the next run (with possibly new values). Soft resetting this job will reset the children but when re-run will not reconfigure the values.

As yet There is no persistence for child jobs.

It is not possible to reference the internal jobs via their id from outside the foreach job, but within the foreach internal configuration they can reference each other and themselves via their ids.

Property Summary

configuration The configuration that will be parsed for each value.
current The current value
executorService The ExecutorService to use.
file The name of the configuration file.
index The current index in the values.
name A name, can be any text.
parallel Should jobs be executed in parallel.
preLoad The number of values to pre-load configurations for.
purgeAfter The number of completed jobs to keep.
stop The stop flag.
values Any value.

Example Summary

Example 1 For each of 3 values.
Example 2 For each of 3 files.
Example 3 Executing children in parallel.
Example 4 Using an execution window.

Property Detail


Configured ByELEMENT

The configuration that will be parsed for each value.



The current value


Configured ByELEMENT

The ExecutorService to use. This will be automatically set by Oddjob.


Configured ByATTRIBUTE

The name of the configuration file. to use for configuration.



The current index in the values.




Configured ByATTRIBUTE

A name, can be any text.


Configured ByATTRIBUTE
RequiredNo. Defaults to false.

Should jobs be executed in parallel.


Configured ByATTRIBUTE
RequiredNo. Defaults to all configurations being loaded first.

The number of values to pre-load configurations for. This property can be used with large sets of values to ensure that only a certain number are pre-loaded before execution starts.

Setting this property to 0 means that all configuration will be initially loaded.


Configured ByATTRIBUTE
RequiredNo. Defaults to no complete jobs being purged.

The number of completed jobs to keep. Oddjob configurations can be quite memory intensive, mainly due to logging, purging complete jobs will stop too much memory being taken.

Setting this property to 0 means that no complete jobs will be purged.


RequiredRead Only.

The stop flag. This is an internal read only property that is exposed for diagnostic reasons. If a child job does not support stopping then the request to stop may time out but it is useful to know that the stop flag is still set so this job will still stop eventually.


Configured ByELEMENT

Any value.


Example 1

For each of 3 values.

<oddjob id="this" xmlns:arooa="http://rgordon.co.uk/oddjob/arooa">
        <foreach id="foreach">
                        <value value="Red"/>
                        <value value="Blue"/>
                        <value value="Green"/>
                <arooa:configuration resource="org/oddjob/jobs/structural/ForEachEchoColour.xml"/>
The internal configuration is:
<foreach id="colours">
        <echo id="echo-colour" name="${colours.current}">I'm number ${colours.index} and my name is ${echo-colour.name}</echo>
Unlike other jobs, a job in a for each has it's name configured when it is loaded, before it is run. The job references its self using its id.

This example will display the following on the console:

 I'm number 0 and my name is Red
 I'm number 1 and my name is Blue
 I'm number 2 and my name is Green

Example 2

For each of 3 files. The 3 files test1.txt, test2.txt and test3.txt are copied to the work/foreach directory. The oddjob argument ${this.args[0]} is so that a base directory can be passed in as part of the unit test for this example.

<oddjob id="this" xmlns:arooa="http://rgordon.co.uk/oddjob/arooa">
                <files files="${this.args[0]}/test/io/reference/test?.txt"/>
                            <foreach id="copy-files">
                                    <copy to="${this.args[0]}/work/foreach">
                                            <value value="${copy-files.current}"/>
Also exists has a similar example.

Example 3

Executing children in parallel. This example uses a throttle to limit the number of parallel executions to three.

        <foreach parallel="true">
                <tokenizer text="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9"/>
                    <foreach id="loop">
                            <wait name="Wait ${loop.current}"/>
                <throttle limit="3"/>

Example 4

Using an execution window. Only the configuration for two jobs will be pre-loaded, and only the last three complete jobs will remain loaded.

<oddjob id="this">
        <foreach preLoad="2" purgeAfter="3">
                <tokenizer text="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15"/>
                    <foreach id="loop">
                            <wait name="Wait ${loop.current} " pause="1"/>

(c) Rob Gordon 2005 - 2017